Thursday, 2 December 2010


Wenche Foss, the Queen, er dødelig syk, melder Dagbladet i dag. Hun har bl.a svekket immunforsvar og produserer for lite blod.
BLOD! I dag har jeg GITT blod for første gang! Gi det til Wenche!!!!! Slik at hun kanskje kvikner til med mitt gode bondeblod. Vi blir vel da egentlig samme person. oi oi, jeg og Wenche.
We are fabulous.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Timberland Eye Candy...

Ole, who I worked with  earlier this year, is a student at Westerdals, and I was his model for the project Eye Candy 2010... haha. The item that is the candy here, are the shoes.
Ok, and of course my bruised legs in them, haha. Lovely afternoon at Holmenkollen, in beautiful autumn weather, literarily freezing my butt off, courtesy to all the posh dining guest at Holmenkollen Restaurant who got a good look at my ass. YOU'RE WELCOME ! :)

Think the result was really cool though. That is, the picture is cool.  Not that it resulted in a bad cold and scratches on my calfs. But hey, all for art, art for all.

Saturday, 30 October 2010

hva skjedde med "Ta sjansen"?

I går da jeg så på Senkvld på TV2 etter endt gullrekke og før jeg skulle legge meg tidlig da jeg skulle opp i fjøset på morran(ja, faktisk opp i fjøset på morran, er heme og er budeie), var oppgaven i Camp Senkveld å gjøre en "TA SJANSEN"!! Dvs lage et fartøy med en "utskytningsmekanisme" hvor det da kommer et lite fartøy ut av det store når det setter uttfor unnarennet på Holmenkollen, og dette lille f.eks seeeeeiler bortover sjøen. Eller kreative sykkeldoninger. ELLER BEGGE DELER!!

Og dette var jo mitt absolutte favorittprogram som barn!!! Det var bedre enn Grand Prix og 17. mai og nesten bedre en Tre nøtter til Askepott og Reisen til Julestjernen (bare nesten).
Men hvor har det blitt av? Finnes det fortsatt? Hvem er kommentator?
OG, hvor kan man melde seg på?
HOHOHO, Dette f.eks er en god ide. En London buss med kanskje en syklist inni! med full sykkelutstyrpakke som alle fancy folk har nå for tida, komplett med en marka-turgåer på sittende fast i skjernen etter å ha sykla litt for fort på stiene der oppe. 

NICE! Eller f.eks en ku med en kalv på sykkel inni? 

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Four seasons

No, not the Hotel, but the classical masterpiece, taken to new heights through Jo Strømgrens choreography at the Opera House in Oslo!
I think it's fitting to use the phrase OMG as it was seriously ab fab.
He is so original and unique and his four seasons were filled with nerve, humor, sarcasm, beauty, absurdity, grotesque images and pure wonderfulness as well as a seriously well thought through dance theatre piece. A series of situations from our recent history, on how life is absurd and man is powerless over our own destiny.
There's so much to say about it, but no time for it all now.

The last performance was on monday, but i think that the state TV channel will broadcast it during this christmas, so DON'T MISS IT!

PS. Featured is a giant mechanical PIG, filling the entire stage at one point. There will be milk.

PPS. I want to be a weird crazy dancer as well! perhaps try getting off the floor first...

Saturday, 16 October 2010

So far in October:

- Fell of my bike and landed in a big puddle. (scratches on my knees, BOOOHOO)
- Applied for THE artist scholarship
- Auditioned for a play in a dialect that I REALLY don't know how to do (got recalled though...)
- Knitted a pair of trousers for my little nephew/niece due to arrive in December
- Played a Doctor in a roleplay (not just played doctor)...
- Send my first bill from my own "company"
- Bought the same birthday present for my father as my brother and sister-in-law did
- Went to the Norwegian Opera House properly for the first time (Figaros Wedding, quite good -very long)
- Decided to seriously start to develop the play "Anna fra Ødemarka" av Dagfinn Grønoset

AND this is the most exciting thing. I've wanted to do it for years, but i never really had an idea or an opportunity. But now i do.
I really want it to be finished by this time next year, as the county I grew up in, and Anna lived in, is 100 years in 2011.
The story of Anna is very adaptable for stage, and quite dramatic and with enough emotional, historical and sentimental content to interest people. I hope. Though, we'll see if it'll be finished in a year.

SO, if you want to be involved, just let me know!
I need all the help i can get. Am currently working on adapting it to stage. I.e. it will not be exactly as in the book...

This is Anna i Ødemarka:    

This is me i Ødemarka

Saturday, 2 October 2010


Came home from Åland with a horrid cold, a feeling of being lost and actually only slightly inspirational, and so arrived at my parents farm in the middle of a snowstorm. In the middle of september!!! 
and it stuck for at least 5 days, that was the worst part. Way way way too early, the poor cows just standing there staring at the snow, unable to comprehend HOW they now can get food??? 3 inches of white stuff? where's the green stuff??
As my dad is a keen hunter (for the whole 2 days that he allowed himself to be off work. And, i proudly add that he shot a big moose the second and beautifully wintery day x), I was at home helping my mum in the barn. 
A couple of days full of childhood bliss, home cooked meals, chit-chat, and not to mention hard muscle work... Nice to get away for a couple of days, even though i was bunged up with the mandatory autumn cold for the whole time. 
Closed the trip off with a visit to my favorite girl-team, Linda, Aida and Lea. 
Forgot to take pics, so here's an old pic just to remind you how cute they are !  x h

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Lear lier

ÅlandÅland... where (?) i hear you mutter silently in between the knowing nodds and aahhh's.... yeah, thought so myself. 
like, no biggie, just a short trip to sweden. eh, i mean Finland... -ish... yeah. 
So after a bus a plane a bus another bus filled with pensioners on a harry-tur, a ferry with cheap booze and yummy licorice-chocolate, (i.e someone got sea-sick, again, trying to manage not to be sick on someone's feet) a car ride, another ferry (not such a bumpy ride) and here i arrived. Am here for a week on a laboratory working on King Lear. it's very interesting and i get loads of new views on the play, which i am now realizing i didn't know that well after all.
AND remember my friends, nothing can come of nothing. or can it?

Monday, 13 September 2010

Hedda. Hedda Gabler

Looking through the performance schedule at the Nat. Theatre in Oslo, and remembered that they're doing Hedda Gabler. Again.
I love love love the play, (as the DC students might recall) and am absolutely gutted that it is, yes... sold out!

Then remembered my all-time favorite Hedda performance, and especially this scene, from Thomas Ostermeiers production that toured Europe for years with Katharina Schüttler playing the lead.
Saw it at the Barbican in London, and I still get goosebumps thinking of that particular scene (which you can watch the clipp of HERE.)
Must have been at that moment when I realised that I have to play this character. Something i am yet still to do, so don't hesitate to call me...

Other kick-ass Heddas:

Rosamund Pike

Cate Blanchett

Thursday, 9 September 2010

London called...

... and they wanted me back.
So, I packed a bag with too many things in it as always, and flew straight into Soho House and their rooftop terrace, drinking cocktails with the rich.
London must not have treated me very well somehow, cause i felt a bit under the weather the next day.. But still went to High Street Ken trying not to be sick on anyone.
Running to Brick Lane for a much needed curry. Met a rock chic, two lingerie clad hotties, a nightbus and a very drunken scotsman. BIKRAM. Camden/cupcakes? both. Tube strike and bad haircuts and pink skirts and rain and running in heels and ex-boyfriends and songs and songs. Beautiful.

And just as my weekend in London was summed up, the same wonderful London atmosphere is brilliantly portrayed in "Earthquakes in London" a play by Mike Bartlett at the National Theatre
A whirlwind explosion of colors, dance and song, and a story about the fear about the future as we are destroying the world with global warming through our excess usage and carelessness. How easily we are corrupted by money and promises of a bright and happy future, how fear and love and hope and faith are contrasting each other throughout our life.
All with the backdrop of the everyday London life, on an orange catwalk. love it.
This inventive, fun, reflective and challenging family epos who takes us through 3 generations (and then some) where flashbacks and forwards integrated in the action, gives the audience a roller coaster ride with emotions and priceless funny situations. The 3 1/2 hours actually flies by.
Even though the ending was a bit far fetched and the science fiction myths with it's robots a bit out there, I really loved this play.
Physical theater, EXCELLENT actors, humor, play and fun, and I even dropped a tear (or two).

Deff worth lining up for return tickets.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Liv Ullman. Still the (wo)man.

OK. I must admit I've beeen excited about this perforamnce. Liv Ullmann is like the Queen. I imagine she drinks tea in little cups and has someone to massage her feet and feeds little dogs with little squares of bread with liverpate.
But... then she's also one the most amazing actors we have, the most magnificant and brave and highrisen woman when she again emerges from the "where-did-she-go-" ness (making films with the stars can hardly be called that, but still..) and makes me admire and wonder over her talent once again.
HOWEVER, I will not get to marvel over it, as it's.. yes you guessed it, sold out. 
         "Long Day's Journey Into Night" - Eugene O'Neill

           Read one of the (norwegian) reviews HERE  

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Summer is over

Yep, it is. At least almost. People have started school, jobs or aapplying for benefits.
And THAT means that I'm gonna have to start "work" again as well.
SO, this will now be a place for me to tell YOU ALL about the plays I read, see and hear about, and what I think of them..
But also fun pics from everyday life. that's also important. you need to see beauty in the simple things.
This is two good people, who have seen something beautiful in the common. Cows bums. And the goat found Sigbjørn (...xx)

Sunday, 22 August 2010

FAB prints!

Check out these really cute and quirky prints! LOVELOVELOVE them!! Found it online after reading this magazine at work, about people selling their crafts and stuff online.
I'm totally gonna do it. After some practise perhaps.
I was knitting yesterday, but after a couple of G&Ts I realised it wasn't so pretty anymore. but did i stop? nope. Loved the G&T / knitting combinatioon too much.

THIS artist, Annette Mangseth is really creative and has her own little online shop where she sells them as well as porcelain plates with naughty words!! haha... AND, it all goes into my PINK blog theme. YAY!

Friday, 20 August 2010

ANOTHER POST today!!!!

Fant en  artikkel på
Practical joke og FUNNYFUNNYFUNNY!!!!!!

Rosa leilighet etter ferien! hahaha fabaelaktig, men litt slitsomt i lengden.
Men så riktig iforhold til mitt nye bloggtema PINK. Watch out friends, no one will be safe.
PS: sjekk ut bloggern som svarte. wtf. det må jo være den støre practial joken??
- sorry brits, it's all in norwegian...-

Safe but no sound

LOVES the video from the band of my hip-and-cool rockstar friend Jimmy - Jack Dalton -
Also since another friend is playing the hero/anti hero (Tom Stian)

JACK DALTON - Safe but no sound

though, the title being fitting enough, since I watched it at work i.e NO SOUND...

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

The Queen of Cocktailparty preperations

on saturday we had a small housewarming party, in our wee new flat in oslo, with COCKTAILS, jeeeeeeeee!

It could have been my audition to become Don Drapers new wife. My Grandma's old dress, all kinds of funny drinks, and probably loads of repressed emotions.

And then Kai who decided to go back to the 90's, drinking a San Francisco, i.e. the drinkmix w/ vodka and OJ.
ooooh, bad memories from being 16.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

The pink blog...

I've just read one of the pink-bloggers phenomenon (Rosa bloggerne) pages; Voe... 
Wow. she's like, 14 and actually scarily hot for being so young. And she's the most read blog in the country. And all her friends look the same! i don't think we were that..fancy... when we were 14...

I think that the whole popularity-thing here is about these pretty girls daring to admit that they care about boys and make-up and periods and clothes and make-up again, (and scarily, skin-injections) and stuff, and people love to read about other peoples thoughts, it's like a sneak-peak in a diary. 
And also, lets face it, people like to look at the pictures she puts out, as she's a cute girl posing in cute outfits. 

But she is 14... she's certainly laid her future out. 
But she's more fashionable then me (though a bit too vain and insanely busy putting on her makeup and wearing one-pieces though). . Hope she also had been in a barn milking a cow and stepping in poo. 
And also silly things you do when you're a teenager. Like listen to really bad german electro called 
E-rotic, without realizing it's dirty. hah. like we ever did that....
But she is 14 and the most talked about girl her age..
Here's a pic of me not being a pink-blogger 

So, the new PINK lay-out on the blog is for the hope that she might be a wonderful investigating reporter one day. or maybe a nurse.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Worthless men...

The other day I somehow got introduced to this wonderful all male choir filled with more or less known actors, b-celebrities, journalists and regular Joes... and they're absolutely amazing!! ¨
They make new arrangements of norwegian old classic rock songs which makes you listen to the text in a new way again, and appreciating the wonderfulness of it..
and I must admit, a room ful of men in suits, singing of how worthless they are, not the coolest guys in town... it's just extreemly hot...

Verdiløse men... x