Sunday, 22 August 2010

FAB prints!

Check out these really cute and quirky prints! LOVELOVELOVE them!! Found it online after reading this magazine at work, about people selling their crafts and stuff online.
I'm totally gonna do it. After some practise perhaps.
I was knitting yesterday, but after a couple of G&Ts I realised it wasn't so pretty anymore. but did i stop? nope. Loved the G&T / knitting combinatioon too much.

THIS artist, Annette Mangseth is really creative and has her own little online shop where she sells them as well as porcelain plates with naughty words!! haha... AND, it all goes into my PINK blog theme. YAY!

Friday, 20 August 2010

ANOTHER POST today!!!!

Fant en  artikkel på
Practical joke og FUNNYFUNNYFUNNY!!!!!!

Rosa leilighet etter ferien! hahaha fabaelaktig, men litt slitsomt i lengden.
Men så riktig iforhold til mitt nye bloggtema PINK. Watch out friends, no one will be safe.
PS: sjekk ut bloggern som svarte. wtf. det må jo være den støre practial joken??
- sorry brits, it's all in norwegian...-

Safe but no sound

LOVES the video from the band of my hip-and-cool rockstar friend Jimmy - Jack Dalton -
Also since another friend is playing the hero/anti hero (Tom Stian)

JACK DALTON - Safe but no sound

though, the title being fitting enough, since I watched it at work i.e NO SOUND...