Saturday, 30 October 2010

hva skjedde med "Ta sjansen"?

I går da jeg så på Senkvld på TV2 etter endt gullrekke og før jeg skulle legge meg tidlig da jeg skulle opp i fjøset på morran(ja, faktisk opp i fjøset på morran, er heme og er budeie), var oppgaven i Camp Senkveld å gjøre en "TA SJANSEN"!! Dvs lage et fartøy med en "utskytningsmekanisme" hvor det da kommer et lite fartøy ut av det store når det setter uttfor unnarennet på Holmenkollen, og dette lille f.eks seeeeeiler bortover sjøen. Eller kreative sykkeldoninger. ELLER BEGGE DELER!!

Og dette var jo mitt absolutte favorittprogram som barn!!! Det var bedre enn Grand Prix og 17. mai og nesten bedre en Tre nøtter til Askepott og Reisen til Julestjernen (bare nesten).
Men hvor har det blitt av? Finnes det fortsatt? Hvem er kommentator?
OG, hvor kan man melde seg på?
HOHOHO, Dette f.eks er en god ide. En London buss med kanskje en syklist inni! med full sykkelutstyrpakke som alle fancy folk har nå for tida, komplett med en marka-turgåer på sittende fast i skjernen etter å ha sykla litt for fort på stiene der oppe. 

NICE! Eller f.eks en ku med en kalv på sykkel inni? 

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Four seasons

No, not the Hotel, but the classical masterpiece, taken to new heights through Jo Strømgrens choreography at the Opera House in Oslo!
I think it's fitting to use the phrase OMG as it was seriously ab fab.
He is so original and unique and his four seasons were filled with nerve, humor, sarcasm, beauty, absurdity, grotesque images and pure wonderfulness as well as a seriously well thought through dance theatre piece. A series of situations from our recent history, on how life is absurd and man is powerless over our own destiny.
There's so much to say about it, but no time for it all now.

The last performance was on monday, but i think that the state TV channel will broadcast it during this christmas, so DON'T MISS IT!

PS. Featured is a giant mechanical PIG, filling the entire stage at one point. There will be milk.

PPS. I want to be a weird crazy dancer as well! perhaps try getting off the floor first...

Saturday, 16 October 2010

So far in October:

- Fell of my bike and landed in a big puddle. (scratches on my knees, BOOOHOO)
- Applied for THE artist scholarship
- Auditioned for a play in a dialect that I REALLY don't know how to do (got recalled though...)
- Knitted a pair of trousers for my little nephew/niece due to arrive in December
- Played a Doctor in a roleplay (not just played doctor)...
- Send my first bill from my own "company"
- Bought the same birthday present for my father as my brother and sister-in-law did
- Went to the Norwegian Opera House properly for the first time (Figaros Wedding, quite good -very long)
- Decided to seriously start to develop the play "Anna fra Ødemarka" av Dagfinn Grønoset

AND this is the most exciting thing. I've wanted to do it for years, but i never really had an idea or an opportunity. But now i do.
I really want it to be finished by this time next year, as the county I grew up in, and Anna lived in, is 100 years in 2011.
The story of Anna is very adaptable for stage, and quite dramatic and with enough emotional, historical and sentimental content to interest people. I hope. Though, we'll see if it'll be finished in a year.

SO, if you want to be involved, just let me know!
I need all the help i can get. Am currently working on adapting it to stage. I.e. it will not be exactly as in the book...

This is Anna i Ødemarka:    

This is me i Ødemarka

Saturday, 2 October 2010


Came home from Åland with a horrid cold, a feeling of being lost and actually only slightly inspirational, and so arrived at my parents farm in the middle of a snowstorm. In the middle of september!!! 
and it stuck for at least 5 days, that was the worst part. Way way way too early, the poor cows just standing there staring at the snow, unable to comprehend HOW they now can get food??? 3 inches of white stuff? where's the green stuff??
As my dad is a keen hunter (for the whole 2 days that he allowed himself to be off work. And, i proudly add that he shot a big moose the second and beautifully wintery day x), I was at home helping my mum in the barn. 
A couple of days full of childhood bliss, home cooked meals, chit-chat, and not to mention hard muscle work... Nice to get away for a couple of days, even though i was bunged up with the mandatory autumn cold for the whole time. 
Closed the trip off with a visit to my favorite girl-team, Linda, Aida and Lea. 
Forgot to take pics, so here's an old pic just to remind you how cute they are !  x h